Maqsood Ahmed Chandio, Syed Ali Haider Shah, Khan Muhammad Bhatti, Fida Hussain Magsi, Muhammad Afzal Roonjha, Naveed Ali Channa, Sanaullah Mangi and Muhammad Azeem Malik
The trial on the efficacy of some bio and synthetic insecticides against okra whitefly
Bemisia tabaci under field was done at Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam during kharif season 2015. The trial was design in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five applications and four replications. Okra “Sabazpari†variety was cultivated for this trial. Some bio and synthetic insecticides at different applications viz., T1= Confidor (Imidacloprid) 200SL 250ml/acre; T2= Tobacco extract (Hazropattar) 200/acre; T3= Tobacco extract (Pattay wala) 200/acre; T4=
Azadirachta indica (Neem oil 1 Liter/acre) and T5= untreated control were applied four times against okra whitefly
Bemisia tabaci). The data indicates that the mean per plant count of okra whitefly (
Bemisia tabaci) after first spray of some bio and synthetic insecticides (treatments) were (2.32), (3.03), (3.61) and (2.72) though for second spray (2.3), (3), (3.57) and (2.69), for the third spray (2.28), (2.98), (3.56) and (2.66) and fourth treatment, the mean population were (2.25), (2.95), (3.53) and (2.58) respectively, when equated with the control of some bio and synthetic insecticides spray (4.27), (4.45), (4.52) and (4.61). The ANOVA results after each spray indicated that, pest population of okra whitefly on okra differ significantly at (P=>0.0000) with some bio and synthetic insecticides after 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and one-week. Accordingly, in this trial there are some bio and synthetic insecticides for okra whitefly while our study signifies that the Confidor (Imidacloprid) 200SL 250ml/acre was found to be the most effective to decrease the population of whitefly (
Bemisia tabaci) under field.
Maqsood Ahmed Chandio, Syed Ali Haider Shah, Khan Muhammad Bhatti, Fida Hussain Magsi, Muhammad Afzal Roonjha, Naveed Ali Channa, Sanaullah Mangi and Muhammad Azeem Malik. Comparative efficacy of some bio and synthetic insecticide against Bemisia tabaci (genn) on okra crop. Int. J. Fauna Biol. Stud. 2017;4(3):107-111.