International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies
2020, Vol. 7 Issue 3, Part B
Supplementation of corn waste and peanut shell waste in concentrate on the performance of Bali cow
Ni Luh Gede Budiari, I Made Rai Yasa, I Nyoman Adijaya and IGNG Bidura
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of supplementation of corn waste and peanut shell waste (CPW) in concentrate on the performance of Bali cow. The research used of 30 head Bali cows up to 18 month old with average initial weight for 151.11±10.48 g/head. It used complete randomized block design with three treatment and 10 bloks as replicates. Control diet was local grasses with supplemented of 1 kg rice bran concentrate (RBC) as control (P0); Suplemented of 0.50 kg CRB+0.50 kg CPW concentrate (P1); and Supplemented 0.25 kg CRB +0.75 kg CPW concentrate (P2), respectively.Result of the research showed that the animal fed P2 was lower (
P<0,05) than P0 and P1. There were no significantly different (
P>0.05) between Group P0 dand P1. It can be concluded that supplementation of mixed concentrate between corn waste and peanut shell waste can be used as a substitute for 50% rice bran concentrate in Bali cows.
Pages: 97-101 | 1455 Views 497 Downloads
Ni Luh Gede Budiari, I Made Rai Yasa, I Nyoman Adijaya and IGNG Bidura. Supplementation of corn waste and peanut shell waste in concentrate on the performance of Bali cow. Int. J. Fauna Biol. Stud. 2020;7(3):97-101.