International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies
2020, Vol. 7 Issue 4, Part C
Limnological studies in relation to pollution of Yamuna river in Agra region
Mohini Bansal, Suman Kapoor
In the present observation, water quality with regard to physical, chemical and biological parameters have been assessed at a specific stretch of the water length of Yamuna river (15m) that has been divided into 4 sites as (a) Kailash ghat, (b) Poiya ghat (non industrial site), (c) Jawahar bridge and (d) near Tajmahal (industrial site). In the present study, rapid increase in number of fecal coliform indicate that level of water pollution increases at an alarming rate. These microbes are responsible for various contaminated diseases. The result of present study shows that except dissolved oxygen all parameters such as temperature, turbidity, conductivity, calcium, chloride, nitrate, sulphate, phosphate, suspended solids, BOD, COD, Coliform and feacal coliform bacteria increases gradually from upstream site A to downstream sites B, C and D sites of Yamuna river. This clearly indicates that the changes in the level of such parameters were due to continuous mixing of pollutants in the Yamuna River.
Pages: 164-167 | 1319 Views 505 Downloads
Mohini Bansal, Suman Kapoor. Limnological studies in relation to pollution of Yamuna river in Agra region. Int. J. Fauna Biol. Stud. 2020;7(4):164-167.