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International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies


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e-ISSN : 2347-2677, p-ISSN : 2394-0522

International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies

International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies

2022, Vol. 9 Issue 5, Part A

Reproduction of five mullet fish (Mugilidae) in Grand-Lahou Lagoon, Côte d’Ivoire: Size at first sexual maturity, reproduction period and sex ratio


Moustapha DIABY, Corinne Manuella Anet AKADJE, Jean-Paul Aka AGNISSAN and Konan N’DA


This work provides information on Mugilidae fish reproduction in Grand-Lahou lagoon. From September 2009 to August 2011, for each specimen sampled, the total length in cm, the total mass and the eviscerated mass in g, the gonads mass in cg, the sex and the gonads maturity stages were recorded. Parameters studied were size at first sexual maturity, reproduction period and sex ratio. The sexual maturity is reached between 16.1 cm and 21.0 cm in four of the five species studied and at 41.6 cm in Mugil cephalus females. Liza dumerili and Mugil curema reproduce from September to November, Liza falcipinnis from July to October, Mugil bananensis from March to June and Mugil cephalus from August. These species reproduce in lagoon, except Mugil cephalus. During breeding season, the sex ratio is in favour of females in Mugil curema and Mugil bananensis. In Liza dumerili and Liza falcipinnis, sexes are rather balanced.

Pages: 38-44  |  1 Views   Downloads

International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies
How to cite this article:
Moustapha DIABY, Corinne Manuella Anet AKADJE, Jean-Paul Aka AGNISSAN and Konan N’DA. Reproduction of five mullet fish (Mugilidae) in Grand-Lahou Lagoon, Côte d’Ivoire: Size at first sexual maturity, reproduction period and sex ratio. Int. J. Fauna Biol. Stud. 2022;9(5):38-44. DOI: 10.22271/23940522.2022.v9.i5a.932

International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies
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