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e-ISSN : 2347-2677, p-ISSN : 2394-0522
I Nyoman Tirta Ariana
The goal of the study was to determine how landrace pigs' production performance and edible offal would be affected by switching from commercial concentrate to waste flour from broiler farms (WFBF). There were three treatments and five replications in the study's fully randomized design. “The treatments were, A: using 24% commercial concentrate and 0% WFBW, B: 12% commercial concentrate and 12% WFBF, C: 0% commercial concentrate and 24% WFBF”. Research variables: Production performance and edible offals of landrace pigs. The outcomes: The production performance of landrace pigs was unaffected by replacing commercial concentrate with 50% WFBF from the control. The production performance had been severely lowered by switching to 100% WFBF. The weight of the edible offals was unaffected by replacing commercial concentrate with 50% to 100% WFBF. Conclusion: While 100% WFBF can replace commercial concentrate, it won't have an impact on the weight of the edible offals.
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