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e-ISSN : 2347-2677, p-ISSN : 2394-0522
Pattnaik MR, Patra B, Mohanty S, Sahu A and Sen SK
Olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) are flagship icons for the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems having a circumtropical distribution in a wide variety of habitats. Odisha coast has the world’s largest rookeries for Olive ridleys namely Gahirmatha, Devi and Rushikulya. Olive ridleys and their habitat along Odisha coast very often face natural and anthropogenic stresses leading to failure of mass nesting and population decline. The present study aims to assess the impact of anthropogenic stresses on the nesting habitat of olive ridleys at Rushikulya river mouth with special reference to Technical Ammonium Nitrate Plant and to suggest mitigative measures for the conservation of sea turtles and their habitat. Present work reveals the threats associated with the nesting beach to be beach erosion, tidal inundation, developmental projects, sand mining, predation of eggs and hatchlings, vehicular movements, plastic litter, exotic plantation, artificial illumination fisheries in the off-shore water.
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