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e-ISSN : 2347-2677, p-ISSN : 2394-0522
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Conservation status of fishes reported from Sarua Lake of District Gorakhpur, (U. P.), India
AP Singh and C Vijayakumar
Pages: 01-06 | 744 Views 459 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Effect of Biofloc system using several carbon sources on survival rate and weight gain of (Cyprinus carpio L.) Fry
Ratnakar Mishra, Dr. Praveen Tamot and Vipin Vyas
Pages: 07-11 | 708 Views 347 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Specıes of poısonous snakes fauna of nakhchıvan autonomous republıc of Azerbaıjan
Arzu Mammadov
Pages: 12-15 | 492 Views 172 Downloads | Country: Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan |
4 |
Blood lipid profile and meat quality of broiler chickens Fed fermented Jamu Makarens
Ni Made Suci Sukmawati, I Nyoman Ardika and Ni Putu Yundari Melati
Pages: 16-22 | 728 Views 311 Downloads | Country: Indonesia
Indonesia |
5 |
Occurrence and documentation of stork species in selected water bodies of Kota region, Rajasthan, India
Harshit Sharma, Anshu Sharma, Surabhi Shrivastava and Subrat Sharma
Pages: 23-28 | 668 Views 383 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Sarus crane, biodiversity and pesticides: A review
Arya Sunita, Rani Daisy and Ranjit Singh
Pages: 29-31 | 751 Views 301 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Organoleptic qualities of kefir functional foods during different fermentations in coconut shells
Ni Putu Yundari Melati, Sri Anggreni Lindawati and Ni Made Suci Sukmawati
Pages: 32-36 | 552 Views 262 Downloads | Country: Indonesia
Indonesia |
8 |
Conservation status of anamniotes reported from Khanwari pond of district Kaushambi (U.P.), India
Prakash Shri
Pages: 37-39 | 483 Views 183 Downloads | Country: India
India |